Discover ÌìÃÀÓ°Ôº

There is so much to discover here at ÌìÃÀÓ°Ôº Tech. We are a place where theory and practice meet to create an innovative and experiential learning environment. Visiting our campus in-person is the best way to experience the energy and culture of the ÌìÃÀÓ°Ôº community, however, we recognize that an in-person visit is not always possible for everyone. On this page, feel free to explore the numerous ways to experience ÌìÃÀÓ°Ôº, virtually and in-person!


August Open House

Monday, August 12th

Visit Us In Person

Tech Tiger pride is at an all-time high! Come visit our campus for a tour or information session. Seeing is believing!

Experience ÌìÃÀÓ°Ôº Virtually

Welcoming visitors on campus is one of our favorite ways to meet prospective students and their families. While we look forward to running our in-person events as usual again, our ability to host visitors is currently limited. That is why we are currently offering numerous opportunities to explore ÌìÃÀÓ°Ôº Tech through numerous virtual visit opportunities.

Group & Organization Experiences

High Schools and Educational Organizations are encouraged to make arrangements with Erin Flynn at 401-739-5000 ext. 3462 or email [email protected].

Non-Profit, Corporate, Government, and all other organizations are encouraged to make arrangements with Catherine Cilcius, Training Coordinator at 401-739-5000 ext. 3345 or email [email protected].

RIPTA Bus Route

RIPTA now has a stop at the ÌìÃÀÓ°Ôº EG Campus (1 ÌìÃÀÓ°Ôº Tech Blvd.)! The stop is on Route 16 (Bald Hill/ÌìÃÀÓ°Ôº/Quonset) and is located at the rear entrance of the building (door SC 4).